
Posts Tagged ‘south node’

Okay, ladies and gents…we’re counting down the days till showtime. If you were born around the beginning of  Aries, Cancer, Capricorn or Libra (or have planets or angles in the early degrees of those signs), y’all have front row seats. The biggest lightning storm ever is a-brewin’. You’re breathing in raw tension just about now, pushing buttons and getting yours pushed. There’s an electric, pungent energy building. If you were a cat, you’d be arching your back. It’s the call to battle at dawn. What’s gotta go needs to get gone: relationships that don’t work, jobs that don’t matter, fibs that you’re supposed to believe.

Tense and intense strological energies are gathering, building up to peak pressure from June 26 to August 5 (and most potent on July 29th). Somethin’s gotta blow. It’ll be stinky, but it’ll also be a helluva relief.

Four planetary forces will be facing-off, forming a Grand Cardinal Cross http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_cross_(astrology)  Shamanic Pluto in exacting Capricorn summons forth a part of you that’s been banished in the shadows. Own it consciously and claim your power. Be in your truth, no matter who stands in judgment of you, as extremist Uranus in “me first” Aries gallops sidesaddle with Jupiter the Preacher.  Pioneering Mars in relational Libra impatiently taps the accelerator, while passenger Saturn gets focused on how to get where you need to be. Act with integrity and learn to love the word “no.” Lastly, acknowledge and release where you’ve been too tentative, sensitive or reactive (the South Node in Cancer) and focus on where you need to develop your inner authority (the North Node in Capricorn).

This may sound like a ten-car pile-up (and parts of it will be messy), but this is the kick-off point for positive change. Let’s be frank: what part of your life needs to be opened up and cleared out, like an attic suffocated by dust? Take the risk. Open the door. Be realistic–don’t horde what’s familiar but no longer has value. Dump what keeps you small or limits your aliveness. Shine the  light of awareness on forgotten treasures.  Be the judge of  your own truth, stick by it and don’t fail your dreams. You’re some kind of special. Admit it.

So go get ’em, ladies and gents. The curtain’s about to rise. And guess who the star is? You are, of course.

Big Storm a-brewin'

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Life force–does it really end? Physics has determined that energy cannot be created or destroyed–and everything and everyone is  comprised of energy. It seems inherently practical that we reincarnate after death. Nature demonstrates this principle in its cycles: new growth yields to blossom and/or fruit, which then seeds and appears to die, only to  be “reborn” the following spring. Why not human beings?

So what happens to the “you” that lived before? Your memories? Talents? Skills? Preferences? Intimate relationships? A real-deal psychic might be able to help you “remember” certain things. But much of what lingers is felt. Maybe you’ve visited a place for the first time but it’s strangely familiar. Or met someone with whom you’re immediately at ease with–maybe you were good friends in a prior lifetime. I know someone who is positive that she was drowned as a witch during the Salem witch trials http://www.kidzworld.com/article/2536-the-salem-witch-trials-of-1692 Another woman had a reoccurring dream for years about being surrounded by wolves in the wilderness with her daughter. They had no chance of escape. Her niece had the same reoccurring dream, but neither of them realized it for years. A client of mine was born with knowledge that only a monk of the highest order would have had access to…and a memory of how he had died in that lifetime.

In 1989, I visited the ruins of Chichen Itza http://www.chichenitza.com once a powerful Mayan city in Mexico’s Yucatan area. It was mostly deserted, and so we could wander about where we pleased. I sensed an energy about the place that was inexplicable but very alive. We made our way to the observatory, where the Mayan astronomers (who were also astrologers) viewed the skies. As we settled in, watching the morning sun rise, I knew with unfailing certainty that I had been one of those astronomers. I had been vacillating about whether or not to continue pursuing astrology as a full-time career, but there was no question about doing so after this experience.

Evolutionary Astrology examines the “unfinished business,” or karma, of a prior lifetime. While it can’t tell you who you were by name, zip code or specific date, it paints a vivid picture of the kind of person you were and the nature of your circumstances, how you continue to be impacted by this and, most importantly, how to evolve beyond it into the very best version of you in this lifetime. Call it whatever you wish, but it’s pretty cool stuff, and it works. Practical magic might be an appropriate term. And who doesn’t need some of that in their lives?

Free yourself from the past with an Evolutionary Astrology reading and get on with things that matter now.

Love & laughter,


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As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I always figured that I was Trouble in a past life. Experiences in this lifetime corroborated this belief: In my daring and reckless youth, I had adopted the attitude of Liza Minnelli’s character, Sally Bowles, in the 1970’s film, “Cabaret.” Sally was always on stage (even when she wasn’t performing) and espoused that life was, well, a cabaret. So I raised holy hell. Because my generation proclaimed that no one over 30 was to be trusted, I firmly believed that I had carte blance to break the rules.

I’ve straightened out pretty well, although the rebel in me is still alive and kicking. I sip tea rather than toke that joint. In relative sobriety, I wondered why I’d careened wildly down a road that many would have considered criminal (although I didn’t at the time).

I recently had an Evolutionary Astrology reading with Steven Forrest, one of the creators of the system, which I practice with my own clients and teach to my students. While I’d had readings with Steven before, I’d always chosen to have him look at what was coming up on the horizon–much more exciting, it seemed. But now it came down to looking at the “story behind the story–” what occurred in a past lifetime that left its dark impression on this lifetime.

Astrologically, this information is buried in the treasure trove of the Moon’s Nodes. The South Node contains the emotional essence, or memory, of this past lifetime. It has tremendous centrifugal force, a riptide so powerful that it continues to tug you back into a certain habit, or attitude, that is familiar. However, there is no growth available at the South Node, so the repetition of “this thing that you do” creates inertia, frustration and, sometimes (as with me), destructive behaviors.

The remedy, or prescription, is the North Node. The North Node is our holy grail, what we are questing for when we’re born. But its inherent power lies in recognizing it and then doing it, which is next to impossible while we’re young–the South Node is simply too strong. Sometimes there are steps along the way (“skipped steps” is the accurate terminology) that have to be taken before you can get there.

To be continued! Watch for more…

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